Verdicts & Settlements

Automobile Accidents

Plaintiff hit by drunk driver - sustained serious bodily injury
Settlement; Parish vs XYZ Insurance Company - News Article
Plaintiff hit by drunk driver - unable to stand for long periods
Settlement; Spicer vs XYZ Insurance Company - News Article
10 Car 18-Wheeler Accident
Automobile Accident
Unoperated Back
Settlement; Stewart vs XYZ Insurance Company
Plaintiff hit by drunk driver
Neck Injury
Settlement; Parker vs XYZ Insurance Company; Concordia Parish
Plaintiff hit by drunk driver
Neck & Knee Injuries
Jury Awarded Verdict; Spicer vs State Farm
Plaintiff hit by drunk driver
Back Injuiry
Trucking Accident
Automobile Accident
Neck & Knee Injury
Nguyen vs XYZ Insurance Company
Automobile Accident
Back Injury
Wodehouse vs XYZ Insurance Company

Wrongful Death

Motor Home Accident
Part of the judgment was reversed by the Court of Appeals
Offshore Accident
Crane operator killed on oil rig in Gulf of Mexico
Verdict; USDC-EDLA

Admiralty & Maritime

Crane Malfunction on River Barge
Seaman seriously injured on the Ouachita River
Settlement; USDC-EDLA
Offshore Accident
Seaman killed in South China Sea

Broker Fraud

Hedge Fund
FINRA/NASD Award Sudduth vs. Holdman
FINRA Stock Suitability/NASD
FINRA/NASD Award Tortorich vs. Morgan Stanley

Industrial Accidents

Oil spill cases
Settlements BP
$Over $1,000,000.00
Oil Well Pressure Discharge
Wrongful Death

Products Liability

Opioid Harm
Represented seven governmental entities.
$26 billion
Improper Airbag Discharge
Left Eye Injury to Minor
Settlement (confidential)

Civil Rights

Civil Rights Violation
Developer's rights violated by the city of Waveland
Magnolia Garden Condominiums LLC vs. City of Waveland
Gulfport Office Hours
MON - FRI 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat-Sun Closed
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