Healy & Jordan PLLC

4 Leading Causes of Auto Accidents You Need To Know

Auto-related injuries are among the top 3 preventable injuries and deaths in the United States.

You should know what causes auto accidents that otherwise lead to these injuries.

Keep reading to learn the leading causes of auto accidents. Understand what to avoid and potential culprits when an auto accident arises. Moreover, learn what actions you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones from the consequences of car accidents.

1. Driving While Distracted

In 2019 alone, distracted driving took over 3,100 lives. These deaths included causes from visual, cognitive, or motor distractions. Or, those losses from driving with distractions could include a combination of 2 or all 3 of these forms.

Examples of distractions that increase your chance of an auto accident include the following:

Thinking about an event that happened earlier in the day (cognitive). Dwelling on something else will distract your mind from focusing on the road.

Turning your head or body to look at something inside or outside of your vehicle (visual). Rubbernecking pulls your focus away from potential hazards on the road ahead.

Texting someone while driving. This action takes your hand away from the wheel (motor distraction). Because of this, you leave yourself vulnerable in case you need to quickly react.

If you found yourself distracted while driving and caused an accident. Do not admit the accident was your fault. Mississippi's pure comparative negligence rule offers you some protection.

2. Reckless Driving Habits

A driver may show disregard for other drivers when, for example, they fall behind during their daily schedules. Whether they are late for work or irritated from being stuck behind other drivers, these factors will often cause drivers to perform dangerous maneuvers.

An example of a dangerous maneuver is tailgating. This is when an impatient driver would follow you too close in an attempt to get you to drive faster. In this case, if you do not drive faster, a reckless driver may speed ahead of you when they have the opportunity. From there, they will likely proceed to slam on their brakes, which would force you to also take evasive action.

This sudden action can significantly increase the likelihood of you crashing into the other driver. Mississippi's pure negligence rule could get you here if you are not careful

If you have found yourself the victim of someone else’s reckless actions, you should understand the actions you need to take after an accident.

3. Driving While Under the Influence or on Medication

Impaired driving contributes to 29 deaths every day. However, it is one of the top causes of car accidents that drivers can avoid.

If anyone consumes too much alcohol or takes drugs before driving, it will affect the driver’s motor coordination. 

Some prescription drugs could also affect your decision-making abilities. While others can lead to drowsiness. Both of these effects will put you and others at risk for potentially deadly collisions.

4. Less Than Ideal Weather Conditions

Whether you encounter rain, fog, or snow, all three conditions will reduce visibility and lead to slick roads. Slippery roads and the loss of being able to see the road ahead could either cause you to crash into an object or another driver. If possible, reduce the frequency that you drive under these conditions.

If You Are a Part of an Accident, Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

If you or someone else you know in Gulfport or New Orleans have suffered from an auto accident, get help now. Reach out and let us know how we can help you. If you have an emergency, you may also contact us by calling 228-575-4005 at any time.

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